As Saturn moves into Pisces on March 7, 2023, we enter an era that asks us to drop our anchor into the ever-moving tide of spiritual, creative and emotional waters.
Collectively, we’ve been moving through a gradual awakening as Neptune has been transiting its home sign of Pisces since mid-2011. Yet, as this gradual shift has been occurring, like the fog on a misty morning, it fades quickly into daylight if we do not stay present in the experience.
Now, this isn’t to say that Neptune in Pisces has been the only transit in the sky that has activated and encouraged us to “wake up” in our divine timing (especially since everyone’s natal chart is so unique from one another). We have also had significant transits with Saturn, Pluto and Uranus that have shaken us up since 2020. However, for a collective context, I want to keep this blog general to hopefully support all the people who need an understanding of what’s on the horizon.
Unlike Neptune’s energy, which carries us into alternate states of consciousness, Saturn’s energy is rooted in the 3D (physical plane) of existence. Saturn’s natural energy wants to see us put in the effort of “blood, sweat, and tears” to achieve and succeed. On the other hand, Neptune believes in surrendering to a higher power and having faith in the “unseen” that is yet to unfold.
Since Neptune rules the dreamy and idealistic sign of Pisces, it’s interesting to witness and soon again experience Saturn re-entering into the territory of the ethers after a long 29 years.
So what does this all mean?
Well, what immediately comes to mind with these oppositional energies is one of the classic contradicting spiritual ideas - You create your reality, so you must take the initiative and action, yet - it’s important to surrender your grip and trust in the unknown.
This idea had me confused when I first began down my path. I couldn’t quite grasp which was “right.” And so, I tried both individually and wondered why life felt so challenging.
I’ll tell you which one is correct if you don’t already know…
They both are. Ultimately this is the merge of both divine feminine and divine masculine principles. The energy has nothing to do with sexuality/identity but all to do with the harmony of energetic polarity. The light cannot exist without the dark, yin without yang, as above, so below - we need both qualities to thrive in our lives truly.
Since we are spiritual beings having a human experience, there is no better transit than Saturn in Pisces to bring alignment between the realm of the soul and our earthy experience.
The depths in which we allow the pendulum to swing into our spiritual existence will speak to the degree to which we can hold all the beautiful layers of our physical journey.
So let’s talk about what to look forward to during this 3-year transit…
The ability to build a lasting structure for creative projects, develop and deepen spiritual practices, and manifest into reality (more quickly) the dreams we connect to and believe in.
The part of your life where this energy will truly flow depends on the house Saturn is transiting through for you. And know that over the three years, it could also be in a couple of houses (areas of life) for you!
Now as fun as it is to focus on the positive, it’s important to acknowledge this energy's polarity and shadow side. And before we touch on it, I want to preface with the following: if you or someone you know is already struggling with these areas of life, please seek support.
These areas to consciously seek support in include lacking boundaries to one’s detriment, severe mental health problems, and drug addictions.
Even when the going gets tough, the beauty that Pisces energy provides society is compassionate care for one another. This leads me to believe that as Saturn pulls its weight through the sign, we will collectively have one another’s back while navigating this journey.
Tune into your intuitive knowing. Lean into the possibilities. Trust what your soul is calling you towards. These themes are here to support us towards our highest expression ultimately. Saturn wants to see us succeed fully - but it will come down to what we are willing to dedicate ourselves to.
If you’re looking for a way to help raise the vibration of our world, but you aren’t sure what your soul’s calling is, I’m offering a 12-week 1:1 mentorship program to align you cosmically with your truth, your highest expression, and your soul’s purpose! You can learn more here, and if it feels right - listen to your inner knowing! Book yourself a heart-to-heart call so we can make sure it’s a fit for both of us!
If you are born between 1993-1996 and are looking to understand better your Saturn return themes, you can book yourself a natal chart reading here!
Now more than ever, it’s important to stay aligned with your spiritual nature and grounding practices to support you through these tides.
And remember to subscribe to get the latest energetic updates and offerings!
Many blessings, soul fam!